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[Other resource概要设计说明书

Description: 学生成绩管理系统的文档- Student result management system management system documents
Platform: | Size: 10416 | Author: Hmily | Hits:

[Other resourcestudent

Description: 学生成绩管理系统,可实现查找,插入,删除等功能- The student result management system management system, may realize the search, the insertion, deletes and so on function
Platform: | Size: 2851 | Author: 吴文辉 | Hits:

[Other resourceStudentresultmanagement

Description: This software designs the student result management system m ay replace the tedious low effect the manual management, has realized the result management, the information management and the curriculum manages three big cores functions.-This software designs the student result m anagement system m ay replac e the tedious low effect the manual management, has realized the result management, the information management and the curriculum manages three big cores functions.
Platform: | Size: 5200 | Author: 任洁 | Hits:

[Other resourceheh

Description: Student result management system Use the C language realization system 2, the data structure making use of the structure body several realization student s result design 3, the system have increment, search, insert, row preface etc. basic function 4, the each function mold piece request of system use the form of function realization 5, completion design mission combine write a course a design report. 6, student the existence document of the result information in -Student result management system Use the C 2 language realization system, the data structure making use of the structure b ody several realization student's result desig n 3, the system have increment, search, insert, row preface etc.. four basic function, each function mold the piece request of system u se the form of function realization 5. completion design mission combine write a cour se a design report. 6. student document the existence of the result in formation in
Platform: | Size: 4789 | Author: 王国 | Hits:

[Other resourcewjkwlewox

Description: VB student result management system management system, brings the entire wrap the paper, has the very high reference value to the graduation project.
Platform: | Size: 4497669 | Author: jkdls | Hits:

[Education soft systemxscj_vb

Description: 学生成绩管理系统- Student result management system management system
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: | Hits:

[Education soft system01374402

Description: 期末大作业学生成绩管理系统,有完备的自动批处理班级成绩排名,优秀良好不及格人数,添加删除成绩,添加删除科目- 鏈熸湯 the writings industry student result management system management system, has the complete automatic batch run class and grade result place, outstanding good failing grade population, increase deletion result, increase deletion subject
Platform: | Size: 128000 | Author: caclng | Hits:

[Education soft systemv5444_kcbcj

Description: 关于学生成绩的管理系统- About student result management system management system
Platform: | Size: 254976 | Author: 严小峰 | Hits:

[Education soft systemcjmanager

Description: 用VC写的一个学生成绩管理系统,不通过数据库,直接用文本文件输出管理- A student result management system management system writes which with VC, through the database, straight does not take over the use of the text documents output to manage
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: 李语汇 | Hits:

[Education soft system概要设计说明书

Description: 学生成绩管理系统的文档- Student result management system management system documents
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: Hmily | Hits:

[Education soft systemstudent

Description: 学生管理系统,实现对学生成绩的查询修改,课程的查询修改等功能- The student management system management system, realizes to the student result inquiry revision, curriculum function and so on inquiry revision
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 徐锋 | Hits:

[Education soft systemstudent

Description: 学生成绩管理系统,可实现查找,插入,删除等功能- The student result management system management system, may realize the search, the insertion, deletes and so on function
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 吴文辉 | Hits:

[Education soft system学生成绩管理系统

Description: 用于初学VC开发ODBC数据库,很好的范例- Uses in to begin studies VC to develop the ODBC database, very good model
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: | Hits:

[Education soft systemStudentresultmanagement

Description: This software designs the student result management system m ay replace the tedious low effect the manual management, has realized the result management, the information management and the curriculum manages three big cores functions.-This software designs the student result m anagement system m ay replac e the tedious low effect the manual management, has realized the result management, the information management and the curriculum manages three big cores functions.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 任洁 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringheh

Description: Student result management system Use the C language realization system 2, the data structure making use of the structure body several realization student s result design 3, the system have increment, search, insert, row preface etc. basic function 4, the each function mold piece request of system use the form of function realization 5, completion design mission combine write a course a design report. 6, student the existence document of the result information in -Student result management system Use the C 2 language realization system, the data structure making use of the structure b ody several realization student's result desig n 3, the system have increment, search, insert, row preface etc.. four basic function, each function mold the piece request of system u se the form of function realization 5. completion design mission combine write a cour se a design report. 6. student document the existence of the result in formation in
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 王国 | Hits:

[Other Databaseswjkwlewox

Description: VB student result management system management system, brings the entire wrap the paper, has the very high reference value to the graduation project.
Platform: | Size: 4497408 | Author: jkdls | Hits:

[Education soft systemstudent-result-management-system

Description: 学生成绩管理系统,是我的课程设计,可对输入的学生成绩数据进行处理,算出每人平均分、各科平均分、排名及算出各分数段人数等等。-Student performance management system, it is my course design,it can calculate average per person, all branches of the average, rankings and calculate the number of the band, and so on.
Platform: | Size: 211968 | Author: zhang | Hits:


Description: 学生成绩管理系统 集美大学数据库课程设计-Jimei University, student achievement management system database design courses
Platform: | Size: 1025024 | Author: wj | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamesStudent-score-management-system

Description: 编程建立学生成绩管理系统。要求具有以下功能:一个学生的信息包括学号、姓名、英语成绩、语文成绩、数学成绩,要求输入每位学生的信息并显示这些信息;同时计算每位学生的总分即英语、语文、数学成绩之和,并对输入的若干学生按总分排名,按总分名次输出每位学生及其信息;最后计算这些学生的英语平均分、语文平均分和数学平均分,并输出结果。-Programming establishment of student achievement management system. Required to have the following features: a student information including student number, name, English, language scores, math scores, each student asked to enter information and display this information also calculated that the total score for each student in English, language, mathematics achievements of, and input ranked according to total number of students, according to their overall ranking output information for each student final calculation of these students' English average, language and math average average, and outputs the result.
Platform: | Size: 144384 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Visual C++开发,关联数据库创建学生成绩管理系统-Visual c++ development, relational to create student achievement management system
Platform: | Size: 2089984 | Author: 张耀寰 | Hits:
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